Remarkability Lies in the Heart of Us All
Two days ago I sat with a young lady who had been a part of a one day program I led on communication. It has been almost a year since we have seen each other. As a result of the training she found her confidence and power! She found her voice! She was a teacher in the school system. She left her position. She believed she could reach more young people. She believed she could make a bigger difference. She found her place to stand, now she is moving the world. She is now creating all kinds of programs to help young people reach their full potential.
I should not be shocked at this. I have seen it 1000 times. It never ceases to amaze me when I hear these stories, yet each time it is a miracle of personal development and innovation! People are yearning for more — most people think they yearn to GET MORE. I believe they yearn to GIVE MORE, to be a part of something bigger than themselves, to feel like they can make a difference, to feel like they as a human being have value. She inspires me to BE more! She inspires me to do more!
Our past president Barack Obama said it well,” We are the change we have been waiting for.”
You are the change!
The world waits for your life voice, your gift!
The world yearns and waits for you to be remarkable!