Set Aside the Things That So Easily Entangle Us
So, do you ever feel like you are an arm’s length from your dreams? Do you ever feel like it is so close you could reach out and touch it? Do you ever think… “If I could just…something…and it would be mine”?
Today I feel like I am within arm’s reach of my dreams…they are at my finger tips, yet I can’t grasp them fully.
I have come to understand and believe that there is typically one thing that holds us back.
Most of the time we don’t want to deal with it.
Most of the time we resist it.
Most of the time we have grown comfortable in our pain.
Most of the time we have accepted that it will not change.
We struggle that changing it is too difficult.
In order for us to live our FULL lives, in order for us to be TRULY successful, in order for us to BE that difference…we must overcome that one thing. We must set aside the things that so easily entangle us!
There lies our personal journey. There lies our journey through the desert…there lies the process we must go through to reach the REMARKABILITY FACTOR!!!
I truly think it doesn’t matter what your “IT” is — what matters to you and I is how do I overcome? How do I loosen the grip? How do I get untangled? I think everyone knows what that is. Very rarely are we not aware of our personal challenges. We know, we just don’t act!
The key to unlock my chains is DISCIPLINE. For me the question is then what do I have to do to stay disciplined? If I stay disciplined, I stay focused. If I stay focused the journey across the desert is easier.
If I look back over the last 50 years and truly evaluate my life my issues have been with control. What lacked was the discipline to be controlled.
Being an “all-or-nothing-guy” has its challenges — I don’t do the middle-of-the-road very well!
Narrow down what holds you back! What are your anchors that hold you down? TV, electronics, alcohol, drugs, sex, shopping, denial, fear of something, relationships?
The first step is knowing what it is. Now you can take it on!